Author & Library Advocate
Chapbook: There Is No Why: New Fairy Tales (Dancing Girl Press)
"Curiosity" (Sycorax, The Fairy-Tale Issue (5), Fall 2021)
"You Don't Know How This Ends" (Sycorax, The Fairy-Tale Issue (5), Fall 2021)
"Ritual" (Liminality, Issue 27, Spring 2021)
"What My Mother Taught Me" (Fantasy, February 2021)
"Quarter/Cross Quarter" (Eternal Haunted Summer, Summer Solstice 2020)
"This Is Why I Love You," (Kaleidotrope, Summer 2019)
"Trees and What they Whisper," (Liminality #19, Spring 2019)
"Changeling," (Sycorax Journal, Issue 2)
"Flight," (Sycorax Journal, Issue 1)
"Woodwork," (Liminality, 11, Spring 2017)
"Sabbath," (llumen, Spring 2017)
"Seer" (Liminality, 10, Winter 2016/2017)
"Leda/Medusa/Persephone" (Eternal Haunted Summer, Winter Solstice 2016)
"The Vigilant" (Not One of Us, 56, October 2016)
"The Dancer" (Inkscrawl, 10, August 2016)
"Half in Love with Easeful Death" (Mythic Delirium, 3.1, July 2016)
"Haunted" (Through the Gate, 10, May 2016)
"Cat House on Planet X" (Star*Line, 39.2, Spring 2016)
"Mythopoeia" (Eternal Haunted Summer, Spring Equinox 2016)
"Daughter" (Kaleidotrope, Spring 2016)
“Spell” (Stone Telling, 13, January 2016)
“Changeling” (Liminality, 6, Winter 2015)
“Code Talker” and “I Sing the Void” (Illumen, Autumn 2015)
“Harrowing” (Strange Horizons, 12 October 2015)
“First Contact” (Eye to the Telescope, 18, October 2015)
“Midnight at the Hub City Café” (Horror Writer's Association Poetry Showcase II, 2015)
“There Is No Why” (Star*Line, 38.4, Fall 2015),
“The Garden Wild” (Liminality, Autumn 2015)
“Anchorite” (Eternal Haunted Summer, Autumn Equinox 2015)
“Omega Woman” (Eye to the Telescope, 17, July 2015)
“Superhero” (Lakeside Circus, Spring 2015)
“The Time of Last Scattering” (reprint) (The 2015 Rhysling Anthology)
“Hypnos and Thanatos: The Embrace” (Liminality, 2, Winter 2014)
“Visiting Hours” (Ideomancer, 13.4, December 2014)
“Terra Firma” (Goblin Fruit, Autumn 2014)
“Mariposa” (Eye to the Telescope, 14, October 2014)
“Metamorphosis” (Star*Line, 37.4, Fall 2014)
“Elegia Nam Homines” (Abyss & Apex, October 2014)
“Eden.redux” (Mythic Delirium 1.2)
Reprinted in Mythic Delirium, Volume 2
“Ghosting” (Liminality, Autumn 2014)
“the custom of the country” (Star*Line, 37.3, Summer 2014)
“afterlife” (Horror Writers Association Poetry Showcase, 2014)
“wish you were here” (Dreams & Nightmares 98, 2014)
“Princess” (Ideomancer, 13.2, 2014)
“Fairy Tale” (inkscrawl, Spring 2014)
“a recipe” (Mythic Delirium, 0.4, April – June 2014)
Reprinted in Mythic Delirium, Volume I
“dragon slayer” (Star*Line, 37.2, Spring 2014)
“The Time of Last Scattering” (Star*Line, 37.1, Winter 2014),
“in the night tower” (Dreams and Nightmares 96, 2013)
“As Above, So Below” (Goblin Fruit, Autumn 2013),
Reviewed at In the Labyrinth
“Salvage” (Star*Line, 36.4, Autumn 2013)
"A Modern Prometheus” (Strange Horizons, 29 July 2013)
Reviewed at the sword that speaks
“a drowning/Leviathan” (New Myths.com, Issue 23, June, 2013)
© 2024 Lynette Mejía.